Canis Minor: The Little Dog
Pronunciation: CANE-iss (CAN-iss) MY-nerCanis Minor Constellation Profile | |
Abbreviation: CMi | Genitive: Canis Minoris |
Origin: Ancient | Location: Celestial Equator |
Best View (North): Winter | Best View (South): |
Bordering Constellations: Cancer, Gemini, Monoceros, Hydra |
The Myth Behind the Constellation Canis Minor
Canis Minor, Latin for “the little dog”, has several mythical associations, but the most common is that of a hunting dog belonging to the hunter, Orion. Another myth is that this constellation represents the favorite dog of Helen of Troy. This dog allowed her to elope with Paris, the Trojan prince.Canis Minor Constellation Points of Interest
Interesting ObjectsBright Stars in Canis Minor
These are the stars in Canis Minor with a minimum magnitude of 3.0.Name | Bayer Name | Magnitude | Color | Luminosity | Distance |
Procyon | Alpha Canis Minoris | 0.34 | Yellow-White | 7.5 suns | 11 ly |
Gomeisa | Beta Canis Minoris | 2.89 | Blue | 278 suns | 170 ly |