Corona Borealis Constellation Myths and Facts

Corona Borealis: The Northern Crown

Pronunciation: cuh-ROE-nuh bor-ee-AL-iss
Corona Borealis, The Northern Crown
Corona Borealis as depicted by Johann Bayer in his Uranometria (1603). Source image provided by — Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc.
Corona Borealis Constellation Profile
Abbreviation: CrB Genitive: Coronae Borealis
Origin: Ancient Location: Northern Hemisphere
Best View (North): June/July Best View (South):
Bordering Constellations: Bootes, Serpens Caput, Hercules

The Myths Behind the Constellation Corona Borealis

Corona Borealis, “The Northern Crown”, was the crown of Ariadne, daughter of King Minos.  She helped the hero Theseus slay the Minotaur, a man with the head of a bull, who was imprisoned in a labyrinth designed by Daedalus.  Ariadne escaped with Theseus but was abandoned by him on the island of Naxos.  She was seen cursing Theseus by Dionysus, who was instantly smitten.  He married her on the spot, and after the ceremony was complete, he tossed Ariadne’s crown into the sky in celebration, where it became the constellation Corona Borealis.

Corona Borealis Constellation Points of Interest

Interesting stars and objects.

Bright Stars in Corona Borealis

These are the stars in Corona Borealis with a minimum magnitude of 3.0.
Name Bayer Name Magnitude Color Luminosity Distance
Alphecca Alpha Coronae Borealis 2.22  White 68 suns 75 ly