Indus Constellation Myths and Facts

Indus: The Indian

Pronunciation: IN-dus
Indus, The Indian and Pavo, The Peacock
Indus and Pavo as depicted by Johann Bayer in his Uranometria (1603). Source image provided by — Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc.
Indus Constellation Profile
Abbreviation: Ind Genitive: Indi
Origin: Keyser/de Houtman Location: Southern Hemisphere
Best View (North): Best View (South):
Bordering Constellations: Octans, Tucana, Grus, Microscopium, Sagittarius, Telescopium, Pavo

The Myth Behind the Constellation Indus

Indus, “The Indian”, is a late sixteenth-century creation of Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman, two Dutch navigators who observed the southern skies during expeditions to the East Indies.  It was named for the Native Americans that European explorers encountered on their travels.

Indus Constellation Points of Interest

Interesting stars and objects.

Bright Stars in Indus

There are no stars in Indus with a magnitude of 3.0 or brighter.